
the association of churches

The Illinois Baptist State Association is an organized body of churches who voluntarily affiliate together to assist in establishing and developing effective Baptist churches in their context.

Through the election of independent boards and directors or trustees, IBSA facilitates ministry to its member churches through three separate entities or corporations:

  • IBSA, the not-for-profit corporation with its ministry teams and staff which work together with churches to advance the gospel.
  • Baptist Foundation of Illinois
  • Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services

Officers of the Association are President, Vice president, Recording secretary, and Assistant recording secretary. Officers are elected annually in accordance with Article VI, Section 1 of the IBSA Constitution.

ibsa the corporation

Church messengers to the Association Annual Meeting elect a Board of Directors of IBSA the corporation to direct the affairs of IBSA between annual meetings, in accordance with Article VII of the IBSA Constitution. One third of the members of the Board are elected at each annual meeting for a three-year term. The Board is comprised of 33 members: 24 from six regions around the state and nine at-large. A minimum of one-third of the Board’s members are required to be laypersons. View the list of current IBSA Board members.

The Board of IBSA the corporation is organized into three standing committees:

  • Administrative
  • Resource Development
  • Strategic Planning
IBSA meeting

committees of the association

Church messengers to the Association Annual Meeting elect members to serve on seven different standing committees that serve the association of churches. 

Members of the Committee on Committees are nominated by the IBSA president, then the Committee on Committees in turn nominates members to the other 6 standing committees. All committee members are nominated, elected, and serve in accordance with Article VIII of the IBSA Constitution.

To recommend names to serve on a committee, please use the nominating form link.

Nominating form link

The standing committees of the Association are:

  • Committee on Committees
  • Committee on Order of Business
  • Nominating Committee
  • Credentials Committee
  • Constitution Committee
  • Resolutions and Christian Life Committee
  • Historical Committee

ibsa nominating committee recommendations

The Nominating Committee recommends individuals from IBSA churches to serve on the Association’s three boards: IBSA the corporation, the Baptist Foundation of Illinois (BFI), and Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services (BCHFS).

To help them in their work, please prayerfully consider who you might recommend for service, then submit names using the nominating form link.

Nominating form link

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