Safe Church

Every church should be safe
Every church should be a safe and welcoming environment for children and vulnerable adults.
IBSA provides helpful resources and best practices for addressing sexual abuse safety and care in churches.
If you are a church or pastor who wants to learn best practices to prevent abuse and ensure that your church is taking proactive steps to be a safe place, then select “To prevent abuse.”
If you believe abuse has occured to you or someone you know, whether you are an individual in a church or a church leader, select “If abuse has occurred.”
To help your church understand how to best care for survivors of sexual abuse, select “To care for survivors.”
Ibsa resources & consultation
IBSA is committed to helping member churches provide safe environments for children and vulnerable adults.
No church wants to think that abuse will happen within their congregation. But without safeguards, it can, and does happen.
Churches should be well prepared to:
- prevent abuse
- report abuse
- respond if abuse happens
We are ready to assist each church with resources, training, and consultation so pastors and ministry leaders are confident that their church is a safe church.
Contact to request print resources or a church consultation.
sbc essentials to prevention & protection toolkit
If you would like to directly access the Essentials Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response materials, you will find them here.