
creating a culture of missions, not just a trip.

There is a difference between doing missions and being on mission. When we think of missions as an event, it becomes a program we do a few times a year, somewhere around the nation or world. Instead, being on mission means taking seriously the call of Jesus in Acts 1:8 to look at every person and place as an opportunity to reveal Christ to the world.

IBSA wants to help you as you take the good news to the lost in your own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the world. 

your partner in missions

The Mission Team aims to provide pathways that catalyze movement for churches to thrive in their ACTS 1:8 engagement. We are your partner for information, connections, and consultation as you seek to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.


Sometimes you simply need information that helps you move forward and take the next step of obedience. When you don’t know the answer to your missions question, reach out to Missions Director Shannon Ford with your information needs. We’ll do our best to help.


We can help you find mission opportunities within our network of churches. IBSA connects hundreds of Illinois churches together for mission. 

Does your church have a need a mission team could address? Click the button belowto submit details so we can help recruit a partner.


A trusted partner can help your church develop an Acts 1:8 strategy or evaluate what you have been doing in mission engagement. As part of IBSA’s Next Steps consultation process, Shannon Ford will walk with your church as you seek to “turn inside out” for maximum missional effectiveness.

Let’s see what God us wants to do together!

missions in north america

Whether you are looking to personally go on a mission trip, or take your team/church on a trip we encourage you to check out the opportunities provided through North American Mission Board.

You can view upcoming missions trips through their website here.

If you would like help identifying the right opportunity or have logistical questions contact ShannonFord@IBSA.org.

Missions around the world

Going on mission to another culture and nation is a powerful and transformative experience. It is often the catalyst that helps disciples take seriously the call to be part of God’s mission, even right across the street.

Additionally, it is a beautiful picture of the truth that God’s kingdom is far bigger than we can imagine.

We encourage you to explore missions opportunities that are offered through the International Mission Board here.

upcoming missions opportunities

Not finding what you're looking for or do you need to contact us?

To help us make sure your needs are directed to the right person, let us know which ministry area you are asking questions about.
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