Resource Category: Church Planting

By Bob Bickford One of the most frequent questions I’m asked when speaking with pastors, denominational and local church leaders is regarding the difference between Church Revitalization and Church Replanting. Often, the question is preceded by a statement that goes something like this; “Aren’t Church revitalization and replanting really the same thing?”  To answer simply, […]

There are immense benefits to being a pastor who is able to live in the marketplace as a missionary and simultaneously shepherd and disciple the Church.

Church planting in small towns can often be a different approach to planting than in larger cities. Will Basham unpacks the philosophy of what it looks like to have an evangelism first, discipleship next mindset.

Church planting is a powerful form of evangelism that every church can participate in. Learn from a panel of Church planters about how SBC churches have supported and partnered with them to make an impact on the lost and in making disciples.

Without knowing it, some pastors alienate the unchurched in the room. With a few intentional decisions, your messages can become more engaging and compassionate toward those who are far from God. Ben Mandrell shares some of the things he learned while planting his church in Denver, as he communicated each week in a post-Christian context. […]